

Industry focused program to provide transformation skills in critical domains. Move the industry to next level with emerging trends and techniques along with customized solutions.


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transforming industry on ISAS


Our Programs

Transformation Helix: Influence the Network of Knowledge

A career transformation program focused on entrepreneurial and self-employment concept. Learn to Earn in the digital world with unique skill set. Defining the value proposition in a whole new way.

Development Stack for Emerging Technologies

Artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 are re-shaping the technology. This program includes cutting-edge technologies with a complete focus on applied side. Develop MVP to show tangible skills.

Manpower for Organization-Verticals Enablement

Industry focused program to provide transformation skills in critical domains. Move the industry to next level with emerging trends and techniques along with customized solutions.

What you get

Industry Driven Qualification

Be an Entrepreneur or Freelancer

Place your skill in global market

Internships, Incubation & Jobs

MOVE Program 


Intellectual capital is the most valuable commodity in the New World. IC of Human resource needs to be coherent with emerging trends and skill demands. MOVE provides the essentials for futuristic HR  


Industry 4.0 and emerging technologies are reshaping the structure, process and function of the organizations. MOVE is the program to transform the corporate sector and industry in accordance with the new norms. 



The verticals for the organizations are the new specialized areas and technology focused skill sets for the improved performance. MOVE helps in developing such verticals for the organization.


Enabling the organizations to embrace the transformation in the New World requires strategic and skill based readiness. MOVE provides a customized and evolving enablement plan to get optimum transformation benefits.  

Industry Driven Training

We design our training programs aligned with industry and global trends to ensure the suitability of our certified workforce. Resource persons are also with rich experience and dedication for transformation.

Work Experience during Training

We work on applied methodology to enrich the skill sets. Our candidates work on real-life projects to learn their respective subjects. This work experience helps in getting professional avenues like internships & Startups.

Incubate, Internships, Startups

THINK program is closely linked with industry. We have expanding network of partners who are interested in our certified workforce for internships, jobs, incubating ideas and developing startups as career progression. 


The conventional qualification is important but in the New World, skills are on advantage, in remote work environment the only authentic medium is the skill knowledge and outcomes to get more business.

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